Mon 27 Jan
Ex0TiC ReNDeZVouS w/a CLaSSy but Oh-So-WiLD ReDHeaD from EuRoPe! ReTiRinG DeCeMBeR 1st~~ - 39
(Cambie/12th Incall or to your Hotel, City of Vancouver, Vancouver)
Ex0TiC ReNDeZVouS with a BeaUTiFuL,CLaSSy but OH SO WiLD ReDHeaD from HoLLaND!! - 39
(Cambie/12th Incall or to your Hotel, City of Vancouver, Vancouver)
Mon 06 Jan
Ex0TiC ReNDeZVouS w/a CLaSSy but Oh-So-WiLD ReDHeaD from EuRoPe! ReTiRinG DeCeMBeR 1st~~ - 39
(Cambie/12th Incall or to your Hotel, City of Vancouver, Vancouver)
Sat 04 Jan